963 Wayne Ave, Chambersburg, PA, 17201-3895 

Business Hours:
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:30 AM - 09:30 PM
10:30 AM - 09:30 PM
10:30 AM - 09:30 PM
10:30 AM - 09:30 PM
10:30 AM - 10:00 PM
10:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Restaurant Location
Number of Employees
Number of Seats
Average Price

Ratings people have voted


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Reviewed by: Anonymous on: 2024/2/26 16:13:14
Reviewed by: adamcwingert on: 2023/5/19 17:57:07
We have ordered from China Wok since 2003, and the entire $60 meal tonight was horrible. We get the same thing every time, and tonight, it had no flavor. For $60, this was far from acceptable.
Reviewed by: mikewebb21075 on: 2021/6/30 18:26:46
I am a China Wok Wayne ave regular since 2013, you are my go to for good food...but tonight's meal was pretty bad. Most of the app sampler was burnt and unedible, my General Tsos is burnt and rock hard, the sauce from the General Tso was all over the inside of the bag and not in the container. Egg rolls were burnt. Definitely NOT worth what we spent on the food. Very disappointed!
Reviewed by: aliciaoflu69 on: 2020/6/24 12:00:17
These people don't realize that we can sit in restaurants n pay in cash. Had m put a bag outside my door with the tip money inside. They won't take cash. We r green ppl! I know they wanna b safe, wear gloves n a mask!!
Reviewed by: damamafive on: 2020/5/3 17:39:16
I’m sorry, but this food was not good. This is the first time we didn’t enjoy your selection. The shrimp toast was burned, the french fries were soggy and limp, and the king crab was fake. Also took a long time to deliver.
Reviewed by: yanpan717658 on: 2020/3/16 19:47:00
Open for Takeout and Delivery ! Online order at www.chinawokchambersburg.com! Great Food ! Great Service!
Reviewed by: Jerry M. on: 3/10/2013 1:31:00 PM
For the most part their food is fresh. They are good and delivery is pretty good. The other China Wok sucks. I have gotten sick from their food. These guys here are right on and as fare as I can see except they don't give as much food as the other China Wok. However the other China Wok food no one should eat unless you want saminila poisioning. These guys are pretty good.
Reviewed by: Tina C. on: 2009-01-03
If you are in the mood for Chinese food and want the best China Wok is it. They are friendly and fast and the food is always good. I highly recommend them. ...?